Wednesday, December 14, 2011

a certain little girl

a certain little girl can't wait for Christmas morning...

I sat Lyla down by the tree and she slowly rolled over to find the glittery packaging (which I later found damp with baby slobber). Some nights I'll put her in her bumbo facing the tree and she will laugh and stare at all the lights. I want to get a string of lights out for her to touch and explore, hopefully I'll get to that this weekend.

We sure are loving the holidays with a baby in the house. I'm really focusing on the traditions our family has passed down to us, I know she wont remember anything from this year but I'd still like to do them (making special cookies from Dan's family, special Christmas Eve PJ's from my family, monkey bread Christmas morning from my mother). To be honest last year we didn't even put up a tree (we were on the mainland) and we didn't give much thought to Christmas traditions. Amazing the difference a year can make. I can't imagine doing that now. I want every Christmas for L to be just as exciting and magical as they were for us as small children.


  1. Ali, saw this today and thought of you. I have literally never heard of this Bumbo until your blog.

  2. Very sweet she's enjoying the lights on your tree! Hope you have a special 1st Christmas together as a family!
