i'm tickled pink to announce...

we are absolutely over the moon in love.
i must admit we are cheaters and found out at about 15 weeks. d was going to be gone for the 20 week appointment (when most parents find out the gender) and i wanted him to see the baby at least once on ultrasound.
throughout the 1st trimester i had 3 baby dreams, 2 in which baby H was a girl and once baby H was a boy. growing up i had always thought i'd have a boy and 2 girls, so i automatically thought this baby would be a boy. we had picked out a boy name- jack- even before we were engaged. however, the girl name we had picked out- olivia- just didn't feel right for this baby... further convincing me that this was a boy.
well a week before our ultrasound i started seeing baby girls everywhere. i texted my mom early that week and told her "i have baby girl fever!" still, when the tech told us we had a little baby girl in there my heart stopped beating, it all of a sudden had an identity and was OUR little girl. an amazing feeling.

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