Lyla Grace sweet girl you are 3 months old!
You just started rolling over (back to belly) and its your favorite thing to do now. However, you don't like being on your belly for too long and mom usually has to come flip you over after a few minutes.
You started reaching and grabbing for toys which makes play time a lot more fun :) You're smiling more and more and its so wonderful to see you are such a happy & loving baby.
I started sitting you in your bumbo, but you only last a few minutes before you get too tired holding your head up.
You absolutely loved the swing at your grandparents house, you would nap for hours and be so content in that thing. You also loved to sit with Papa in the rocking chair while he watched sports.
You're in size one diapers and size 0-3 clothing. Some newborn sizes still fit but not for much longer.
At your doctor's appointment you weighed in at 13 pounds and 23 inches. You are in the 50th percentile for just about everything.
You're not yet sleeping through the night, but you are an excellent sleeper. Your bedtime is around 7:00 and you wake up once or twice to nurse at night. You're still sleeping in a rock and play beside mom and dad's bed.