**sorry no pic this week, will definitely resume next week as i feel like i've grown a ton just in the past week!**
How Far Along: 21 weeks
Total Weight Gain: we're in SD at the moment so don't have a scale, but i'm SURE i've gained a good 5-7 pounds out here. i haven't been running & have been indulging in chipotle, in-n-out, little italy dinners, etc :)
Maternity Clothes: i can still fit into my old jeans, but my tops are definitely fitting tighter these days. i've mostly just been wearing maternity camisoles with sweaters
Movement: moving around a ton! her movements continue to amaze me with their gradually growing strength
Sleep: same as before, still waking up a few times a night but nothing unbearable
Symptoms: nothing new that i can think of
Cravings: um. where to start? mayonnaise. i love mayonnaise. also on the list:
-luna nutz over chocolate bars
-chipotle. more chipotle
-pasta dinners...the bigger the plate the better
Emotions: this has been a rough week, i'll be sure to recap later. we've been doing a lot of praying and a lot of waiting.
Best Moment of the Week: seeing baby lyla during a 3d ultrasound in texas this past weekend. obviously she is the cutest baby in the whole wide world :) also, pretty sure we've decided to name her lyla grace. little things like that make this all feel so much more real!